France painter Pierre Mignard's most famous paintings

Pierre Mignard's most famous paintings are -

1640Poilly ,
Portrait of Hortenze Mancini,1671
Death of Cleopatra , 1670
Mystic Marriage of St Catherine, 1669
Portrait of Colbert, 1672
Pierre Mignard, self-portrait
Mignard, Louise de Kérouaille
La vierge aux raisins, 1640
and others
Death of Cleopatra , 1670
 French painter Pierre Mignard was born on  7 November in 1612 and died on 30 May in 1695 having a
respectable life at the age of 83.Troyes of north-central France was birth place of painter Pierre the age of 18,he (Pierre Mignard) went for Italy where he lived 22 years. there he earn a great recognition that's why he was invited by the king, Louis XIV he returned France in 1652.  Mignard Pierre was more succeded when his opponent Le Burn was died in 1990. and after that  Before the death of Mignard Pierre's himself ,he was another  jewel of French art.
La vierge aux raisins, 1640

Mignard, Louise de Kérouaille

Mystic Marriage of St Catherine, 1669

Pierre Mignard, self-portrait

Portrait of Colbert, 1672

Portrait of Hortenze Mancini,1671